Programmable DAQ Platforms
These 32/64/128 channels readout systems feature an open FPGA that allows to implement customizable pulse processing using SCI-Compiler block-diagram-based tool
These 32/64/128 channels readout systems feature an open FPGA that allows to implement customizable pulse processing using SCI-Compiler block-diagram-based tool
The SY2791 is a complete detector readout system, ideally suited for liquid Argon TPC (Time Projection Chamber), but easily customizable for a wide variety of detectors.
CAEN offers a complete set of electronics for Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) ranging from High Voltage to high-density complete readout systems.
ASIC-based readout system for large detector arrays. Easy-scalable/easy-sync through one concentrator module (up to 8192 channels).
Concentrator Board for multiboard management in FERS-5200, the CAEN platform for the readout of large arrays of detectors.
The new platform of devices for Neutron Detection is designed to collect the signals from neutron detectors, process and convert them into digital information and store them in data files.
+39 0584 388 398
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