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HARPERS – HARmonised PracticEs, Regulations and Standards in waste management and decommissioning

The Consortium is composed of 30 partners from 14 European countries and consists of Research Institutes, SMEs and Public Bodies. The project is expected to last 36 months with a budget of EUR 3.35 million

  • Call: SU-BES02-2018-2019-2020 – Technologies to enhance border and external security
  • Grant agreement ID: 101060028 

The project is co-funded by EU Commission under Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

Starting date: 1 June 2022 Ending date: 31 May 2025

The HORIZON-EURATOM project aims to establish and clarify the benefits and added value of more aligned and harmonised regulations and standards for prioritised topics related to decommissioning and initial phases of radioactive waste handling, including shared processing facilities between Member States (MS).

The project has a two-phase approach: first engaging with Stakeholders to assess needs and pros/cons for harmonisation and identify priority areas for deeper analysis (WP2). The second phase will pursue deeper engagement with Stakeholders to further assess the highest ranked priority areas in Work Packages (WP) focusing on (i) cross border services and cooperation (WP3), (ii) circular economy (WP4), and (iii) advanced technologies (WP5).
These WPs will review (inter)national practices, capture lessons learned, and assess opportunities. WP6 on Regulatory Framework will identify regulatory differences between MS and evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with harmonisation, while quantifying the benefits of aligned regulations and proposing harmonisation methodologies.

The project will:

  • Support coordination between Stakeholders
  • Enhance existing commitments to facilitate sharing and exchange of knowledge and experience
  • Develop strategies for shared treatment and storage facilities
  • Cross border services and cooperation, and explore additional mechanisms to build capacity in MS
  • Assess and clarify the benefits and any disadvantages of harmonisation
  • Deliver S&T-based solutions and share best practices by engaging and supporting coordination between different actors through the TSOs and regulators
  • Define conditions and opportunities of a high safety circular economy

The action will reinforce the activities of the EURAD, PREDIS, and SHARE projects, while encompassing MS national programs and the wider European Community, including i.e. ERDO, ENSREG, WENRA, IAEA, OECD NEA, IGDTP, SNETP, DigiDecom.




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