ADCs (Peak Sensing)
Digital Peak Sensing ADC belongs to a new generation of detector readout systems based on a mixed analog-digital acquisition chain (64 channels) and a low dead time.
Digital Peak Sensing ADC belongs to a new generation of detector readout systems based on a mixed analog-digital acquisition chain (64 channels) and a low dead time.
These 16/8/4 channels are fast rise time amplifier housed in a 1-unit NIM/VME module with input bandwidth up to 250 Mhz. Each channel is provided with LEMO 00 connectors too.
With Time Filter, CFD and pile-up rejection, PSA are implemented in a single width NIM module (single ended and differential). Used with Germanium detectors, adapted for PMT. and all fast charge detectors.
Analog Pulse Processors N1568A and N914 are designed to be used with silicon detectors connected to charge preamplifiers and the discriminators share a 8 bit common threshold.
CAEN Digitizers are platform independent instruments housing high speed multichannel ADCs with local memory and FPGAs for real-time data processing.
These modules guarantees exceptional low walk jitter, lower than 50 ps, for signals spreading over a wide range of amplitude, from -5 V to -50 mV.
The N858 and V859 are double attenuators housed in a one a one unit wide NIM module. The module does not require any power supply since it is made up of resistive cells.
Quad Linear FAN-IN FAN-OUT are modules which houses three 4 In / 4 Out and one 3 In / 3 Out sections; one Discriminator channel is also featured.
Channel Multievent QDC sections are multiplexed and subsequently converted by two fast 12-bit ADCs. These modules offers a 32 event buffer memory, addressing mode and data transfer mode.
The V1250 is a 16 channel differential to single ended signal converter in a 1-unit wide VME 6U form factor. It provides differential inputs and single ended outputs.
Low Noise Fast Rise Time Charge Sensitive Preamplifiers packaged in a 1/4/8 channels box. Modules can be used in nuclear and subnuclear physics experiments.
The A1424 is a preamplifier specifically designed for Scintillation Detectors widely used in Nuclear and High Energy Physics where low noise, fast response and high counting rates are required.
The A1425 is a fast and low noise preamplifier with AC coupled input. The fast rise time makes it suited for amplifying the signals from detectors as fast silicon sensors and diamond detectors.
The A1423B is an inverting Wideband Amplifier designed for fast detectors, as SiPMs and Diamonds, having a bandwidth of ~ 1.5 GHz (-3dB).
The A1442 is ideally suited for single or double sided multi-strip silicon detectors as well as for multi-channel detectors with common Bias.
The A1427 KIT with A1427 Preamplifier is a fast and low noise current preampl. with AC coupled input. It is suitable for fission chambers detectors.
R1443 is a 32/64 channels Charge Sensitive Preamplifier in a 19ʺ rack unit, specifically designed for operating with neutron detectors as He3 or BF3 tubes.
+39 0584 388 398
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