SW1470 – Control Software for NIM Power Supply Modules
N14xx NIM Power Supply Modules control can take place remotely, via USB or RS485 (1); the latter allows to build a N14xx’ daisy chain network, with the first module connected to the PC USB port and the subsequent ones daisy chained via RS485. The CAEN NIM8301 Crate allows also to communicate with the first module in the chain also via Ethernet (2). It is therefore possible to build a daisy chain of up to 32 N14xx’s (up to 128 channels).
The SW1470 Control Software (a Java Program supporting Linux and Windows) allows a complete and user friendly management of one or more modules (up to 32 modules = 128 channels).
SW1470 System requirements
- Windows XP/Vista/7 or Linux
- JavaTM Platform, Standard Edition rel.1.5 or newer
- RXTX library for RS232 Java support
- FT232BM driver (if use USB connection)

JavaTM Platform
Go to www.java.com or to Oracle official page to download Java Platform, Standard Edition,for Windows XP/2000/Vista/7, Solaris and Linux.

RXTX Library
Java language does not provide a native support for the serial ports, a third-part library, the RXTX library, must be used for that purpose.
RXTX binary builds are provided as a courtesy of : Mfizz Inc.
for Windows follow this procedure:
Identify your Java Runtime Environment’s folder. For version 7, this usually is c:Program FilesJavajre7
- Copy rxtxParallel.dll to c:Program FilesJavajre7in
- Copy rxtxSerial.dll to c:Program FilesJavajre7in
- Copy RXTXcomm.jar to c:Program FilesJavajre7libext

FT232BM driver
N147X modules are provided with a USB2.0 compliant interface. They can be programmed via PC by connecting the PC USB port with the board USB B-type port; the featured controller, the FT232BM chip requires VCP (Virtual COM Port) drivers freely available here.
The site also provides installation instructions for all Operating Systems
The connection can be performed via Terminal Emulator configured as follows:
- baud rate (the same set on the N147x)
- Data bits: 8
- Parity: none
- stop bit: 1
- Flow control: Xon Xoff