Young Speaker Award – 6th Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure
The 6th Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure was held in Bormio, Italy, from 6th to 11th February 2023 organized by the Nuclear Structure Group of Milano, focusing on topics which are relevant for nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, and nuclear astrophysics. This edition highlighted the most recent results from experiments with both stable and radioactive beams and neutron beams, as well as theoretical advances and physics perspectives.

During the Conference dinner, the four best talks by young speakers were awarded with prizes sponsored by CAEN SpA. They were assigned to Lorenzo Domenichetti (ILL Grenoble, France), Arwin Esmaylzadeh (Cologne University, Germay), Marta Polettini (Milano University and INFN, Italy) and Andrea Porro (CEA Saclay, France) by an International Award Committee, composed by W. Satula (Warsaw University, Poland), I. Dillmann (TRIUMF, Canada), A. Larsen (Oslo University, Norway), C. Michelagnoli (ILL Grenoble, France), and M. Saviozzi (CAEN, Italy).
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