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Super Licence for CAEN Digitizers


  • DPP-SUP License covers different CAEN DPP firmware on a single digitizer
  • The license is available for 725, 730, and 2740-45 digitizer series
  • DPP Algorithms licensed:
  • The license automatically applies also to incoming new DPP algorithms


DPP-SUP Super Licence:

  • DPP-SUP Licence is valid for all the kinds DPP Firmware released by CAEN and supported by a single Digitizer
  • The licence registration procedure is automatic and can be completed on our web site

Different Digital Pulse Processing firmware can be available for those CAEN digitizers which support them. These DPPs are freely downloadable in a “trial” version, complete in terms of functionalities but operating only for 30 minutes per board power cycle.
If you want to unlock the firmware, you need to buy a license by sending to CAEN a formal purchase request specifying the product code of the DPP you want to unlock.
The licence registration procedure is automatic and can be completed on our web site. At the end of the registration process, a Product Unlock_Code (PUC) is provided to you. You can use it with CAENUpgrader software to unlock the firmware on your digitizer.

CAEN DPP-SUP is a licence valid for all DPP Firmware available for 725, 730, 2740, 2745 and 2730 digitizer families; in this way the digitizer is unlocked for all the DPP firmware available for it.
The firmware supported by this license are:

psd Pulse Height Analysis

Pulse Height Analysis for gamma ray spectroscopy applies to voltage signals coming from HPGe/Si detectors and Scintillators coupled with Charge Sensitive Preamplifiers. Works with independent channels event acquisition and in time stamped list mode. Energy spectra are built by the supported software like the new CoMPASS and MC2 Analyzer.

psdPulse Shape Discrimination

Pulse Shape Discrimination for gated charge integration and gamma-neutron discrimination is suited for current signals coming from Scintillators, Gas tubes, SiPM and PMT. Works with independent channels event acquisition and in energy & timing list mode. Features digital CFD and timing interpolation for high resolution time information, as well as pulse shape discrimination. Energy spectra are built by the supported software like the new CoMPASS and the DPP-PSD Control Software.


Zero Length Encoding

Zero Length Encoding for advanced zero suppression works with a common trigger and simultaneous acquisition on all channels. The digitized waveforms are transferred in compressed mode by suppressing baseline and empty channels.


Dynamic Acquisition Window (Coming soon for 2740/2745)

Dynamic Acquisition Window is suited for zero suppression with trigger-less acquisition systems. Works in waveform mode and independent channels event acquisition dynamically stretching the acquisition window (record length) to fit the actual input pulse duration.


Compare with DPP.


Ordering Options

Code Description
WFWDPPS2501A DPP-SUP - Super Licence for 16ch x 725 Digital Pulse Processing  
WFWDPPS3001A DPP-SUP - Super Licence for 16ch x 730 Digital Pulse Processing  
WFWDPPS2501D DPP-SUP - Super Licence for 8ch x 725 Digital Pulse Processing  
WFWDPPS3001D DPP-SUP - Super Licence for 8ch x 730 Digital Pulse Processing  
WFWDPPS2740A DPP-SUP 2.0 - Super License for Digital Pulse Processing Digitizer 2.0 series  
