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NGPS 200-50E

High-stability Digital Power Supply 200 A @ 50 V (10 kW) – 400 VAC three-phase input


  • 19”-3U stand-alone crate
  • 200 A-50 V
  • Configurable digital control loop
  • PARALLEL operation up to 40 kW
  • Current or Voltage regulation
  • 1 ppm/°C temperature dependence
  • Excellent long-term stability
  • External Analog Control and Auxiliary Analog Inputs
  • Waveform Generation at 40 ksps
  • Embedded 4-channel Oscilloscope
  • Embedded Web-Server
  • External Interlock and Status Signals
  • Local Display and Controls
  •  10/100/1000 Mbit Ethernet
  •  Fast SFP interface (10 kHz update)
  • Water-cooled models available
  • Co-designed with BOCEM


NGPS 20050E is a single channel 400 Vac – 50 Vdc converter, which allows to integrate into the EASY channels control also the management of the power supplies. Configurable digital control loop, and parallel operation up to 40 kW. Features also encompass current or voltage regulation, 1 ppm/°C temperature dependence, long-term stability, and external analog control.

NGPS 20050E offers waveform generation at 40 ksps, an embedded 4-channel oscilloscope that allows monitoring up to four different values (e.g. current, voltage, etc.) with a sampling rate of 40 kHz by using an internal DMA, and embedded web-server for remote operation. It has a broad application range, including particle accelerators and medical imaging, showcasing flexibility through 10/100/1000 Mbit Ethernet connectivity and fast SFP interface.

Technical Specifications


19ʺ-wide, 3U-high Euromechanics rack; Depth: 647 mm (including connectors)
Weight: 18 Kg

Output Polarity


Output Voltage

50 V

Output Current


Max. Output Power

10 kW

AC Input

Three-phase 400 VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz

Regulation Type

Constant Current (CC) or Constant Voltage (CV)

Output Insulation

500 V

Output Setting Resolution - CC/CV

>19 bit

Output Readout Resolution

24 bit

Output Accuracy In CC

< 0.01 %

Output Accuracy In CV

< 0.05 %

Remote Sensing Compensation

Up to 2 V

Operating Current Range

2-100 %

Temperature Stability

< 0.0002 %K in CC mode
< 0.005 %K in CV mode


> 90 %

Power Factor (at full-load)

> 0.92


Up to 4 modules – via front SFP optical links

Operating Ambient Temperature

0 … 40°C

Communication Interfaces

x Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mbit TCP-IP and UDP
2 x SFP/SFP+ ports

External Signals

Analog Control Input (0-10V)
Trigger Input

Ordering Options

Code Description
WNGPS20050XE NGPS 200-50 AC/DC Converter for EASY5000 and EASY6000 400 V 3-phase 50 V 10000 W  


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