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Linear Fan In – Fan Out Units

Quad Linear FAN-IN FAN-OUT are modules which houses three 4 In / 4 Out and one 3 In / 3 Out sections; one Discriminator channel is also featured.


Preamplifiers – 3He tube detectors

R1443 is a 32/64 channels Charge Sensitive Preamplifier in a 19ʺ rack unit, specifically designed for operating with neutron detectors as He3 or BF3 tubes.



CAEN Bridges are controllers with enhanced data rate and extended interfacing capabilities in VME, Desktop and PCIe form factors. Demos and Software tools included for all the possible experimental setup.


Mainframe CPU Modules

The CPU controller is offered in three versions: BASIC, ADVANCED and FULL; Each board allows to control and manage the LV/HV boards installed in the crate.


Mainframe Power Supply Units

The Power Supply Unit (PSU) is available in three versions: Primary, Optional Single and Optional Double. The Primary PSU (A4531)...


GAMON Platform

The GAMON Platform is a uniquely innovative system, capable of empowering authorities and institutions with the ability to respond to...


Educational Accessories

The SP5609 Telescope Mechanics and SP522 are additional tools for an easy setup of components which support up to three tile for detection – coincidence of cosmic rays.


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