Digital Pulse Processing (DPP)
DPP Firmware for Digitizers / Scaler firmware for V1495, V2495 and DT5495 Programmable Logic Units
DPP Firmware for Digitizers / Scaler firmware for V1495, V2495 and DT5495 Programmable Logic Units
The CAEN Mod. DT5770 / DT5771 are compact portable Digital MCA for Gamma Spectroscopy, integrating analog front-end with programmable gain and possible AC coupling. Ideally suited for high energy resolution semiconductor detectors, like HPGe and Silicon, connected to a Charge Sensitive Preamplifier (CSP).
EASY Rack Configuration Files of all EASY Boards. These files contain the operating parameters of each EASY Board and are used to configure EASY Crates connected to the A1676A branch controller.
A3484, A3485 and A3486 modules allows to integrate into the EASY channels control the management of the 48 V power supplies with overcurrent protection.
There modules are developed for operation in magnetic field and radioactive environment and houses 128 input ADC channels on standard flat cable connectors.
Standalone (R6060) or single width SYx527 boards (A1676A, A1660) branch controllers for air cooled EASY 3000/6000 and Water cooled EASY BRIC systems
EASY3000 compatible boards: resilient to radiation and magnetic fields. Designed to bias a wide range of detectors from 100 to 12k volts.
EASY3000 compatible boards: resilient to radiation and magnetic fields. Designed to power front-end (2-16 V) available in different granularity/channel densities.
EASY3000 (Embedded Assembly SYstem) is the new CAEN power supply solution for operation in magnetic field and radioactive environment.
+39 0584 388 398
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