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Glossary – DAQ & trigger units


  • ADC Conversion Time
    The time required, after the sample command, to digitize the analog signal
  • ADC Dead Time
    The minimum amount of time required after the end of a GATE to have the ADC ready for a new acquisition
  • ADC Resolution
    The number of bits in which the ADC full scale range is divided
  • Address Modifier
    It is the code which carries the information about the size and the type of VME data transfer
  • Analog Adder
    A linear Fan-In
  • AND
    Logical designation or circuit function meaning that all inputs must be in the TRUE state for a TRUE output
  • Anti-Coincidence
    An input signal which suppresses the normal functioning of the unit for the duration of its application


  • Backplane
    A monolitic, multilayer printed circuit board at the rear of a crate providing bus dataway, power lines and modules’ connectors
  • Bandwidth
    The frequency range over which the gain of an amplifier or other circuit does not vary by more than 3 dB
  • Baseline Restorer
    A circuit that maintains the amplifier DC output (baseline) at fixed potential independently from counting rate
  • Baseline Shift
    Drift of the amplifier DC level (baseline) that may impair the peak amplitude stability
  • Block Transfer (BLT32)
    A 32 bit VME data transfer from/to a series of adjacent locations of a module
  • Bridged Outputs
    Parallel output connections which share the same driver


    Computer Automated Measurement And Control; international standard of modular instrumentation defined by the ESONE Committee of the JNRC (document EUR4100e, 1969 and subsequent revisions); CAMAC One single-width unit, as per IEEE Standard 583, has 305 mm x 182.9 mm x 17 mm overall dimensions.
    They can, however, also be built in multiples of this standard, that is, double-width, triple-width etc.
  • CANbus
    Controlled Area Network; network consisting of multiple microcontrollers that need to communicate with each other
  • Chained Block Transfer CBLT
    Sequential read out of multiple VME slave modules selected by a single address cycle
  • Charge ADC
    An ADC which measures the input charge integrated during the GATE period
  • Charge Sensitive Preamplifier
    A preamplifier whose peak output amplitude is directly proportional to the input integrated charge
  • Coincidence Unit
    A device which performs the AND logic function of two or more inputs
  • Common Mode Range
    The maximum range (usually voltage) within which differential inputs can operate without a loss of accuracy
  • Common Mode Rejection Ratio
    The ratio between the common mode input noise and the output voltage, expressed in dB. It expresses the ability to reject the common mode noise
  • Common Mode Noise
    The noise which appears equally, and in phase, on the IN+ and IN- nodes of a differential input with respect to ground
  • Common Start
    A signal common to all input ch. which marks the beginning of a time interval measurement in a TDC
  • Common Stop
    A signal common to all input ch. which marks the end of a time interval measurement in a TDC
  • Complementary Output
    A logical signal with its FALSE state and TRUE state reversed from that of the normal output signal
  • Constant Fraction Discriminator
    A discriminator which allows to minimize time walk errors encountered triggering constant rise time and varying amplitude signals
  • Control and Status Register (CSR Space)
    A register used to control the operation of a device and/or record the status of an operation. Its allocation and usage is part of the VME specification
  • Crosstalk
    Unwanted coupling of a signal from one channel to another one


  • Daisy Chain
    Connection of control signals on several boards in a chain
  • DC Level Shift
    A programmable DC Offset
  • Differential Input
    A circuit that is sensitive to the algebraic difference between the IN+ and IN- input signals
  • Differential Non-Linearity
    The maximum deviation of the ADC bin widths from a flat distribution (expressed as %)
  • Differential Output
    A circuit with two outputs that have equal but opposite signal excursions around a fixed potential (called the common mode level)
  • Double Pulse Resolution (DPR)
    The minimum pulse pair resolving time (measured between leading edges of the incoming pulses)
  • Dual Port Memory
    A memory module which has two interfaces through which data can be transferred
  • Dwell Time
    The trigger generation period of the internal programmable timer of a MultiChannel Scaler


  • ECL
    Emitter-coupled logic, an unsatured logic performed by emitter-coupled transistor. Normal ECL LOGICAL 0 = LOW = -1.75 V and LOGICAL 1 = HIGH = -0.9 V
  • Event Counter
    A counter which indicates the number of trigger signals that a DAQ module has processed


  • Fall time
    The time required for a pulse to decrease from 90% to 10% of full amplitude.
  • Fan-In
    The mixing of more than one input to obtain one of the following outputs:
    Linear > the algebraic sum of the inputs
    Logic > the logical OR of the inputs
  • Fan-Out
    The reproduction of an input signal on more than one output
  • FWHM
    Full Width at Half Maximum, the width of a pulse or waveform at 50% amplitude


  • GATE
    An input control signal used to enable the passage of other signals
  • Geographical Addressing
    Addressing of a module according to its physical location (the slot number) in a crate
  • Ground Loop
    A low impedance path along which voltage drops occur due to external pick-up


  • High Speed CAENET
    A CAEN proprietary 1 Megabit/second serial transmission protocol


  • Inhibit
    A signal or switch which prevents a unit from operating or responding to inputs
  • Integral Non-Linearity
    Maximum deviation (expressed as fraction of full scale) of ADC response from a straight line fit
  • Interchannel Isolation
    Cross talk rejection ability
  • I/O Register
    A device capable of either receiving or sending a pattern of logical signals


  • JAUX
    In a VME V430 compliant backplane, a 3 row, 30 pin connector (jack) providing “2 V, -5 V” (useful to supply ECL electronics without the need of on-board DC-DC converters) and ±15 V power lines, geographical address lines (SN1-5) and some User defined lines (CK, SG, CL)


  • Latch
    Memory register
  • Latching Scaler
    A scaler where the counters can be latched “on the fly” without interfering on data acquisition process
  • Leading Edge Discriminator
    A device that delivers, for each input signal that is larger than a programmable threshold, a logic pulse
  • Live Insertion
    The possibility of inserting (or removing) a board into the crate without switching it off
  • Low Threshold Discriminator
    A Leading Edge Discriminator with high sensitivity on small signals
  • LSB
    Least Significant Bit
  • LVDS
    Low Voltage Differential Signaling (specified in the IEEE 1596.3 standard), it’s a way to communicate data using a very low voltage swing (about 350 mV) over balanced connections


  • Majority Logic
    Generates a TRUE output when the number of coincident inputs is equal to or greater than some specified threshold
  • Master
    A device which is capable of controlling the data transfer operation according to some protocol
  • MBLT64
    Multiplexed BLT; it is a data cycle similar to the BLT, but it transfers 64 bit words instead of 32 bit ones
  • Multicast Mode MCST
    Multicast (MCST) Mode allows commands to be sent to chosen set of VME slave modules in only one data transfer bus transaction
  • Multichannel Scaler
    A scaler provided with a number of independent channels and a periodical programmable trigger, that allows to record counting rate as a function of time
  • Multievent Buffer
    A FIFO-like buffer where it is possible store/read the data belonging to multiple triggers
  • Multihit TDC
    A TDC that can accept multiple hits per channel


  • NAND
    A complementary output AND circuit
  • NIM
    Nuclear Instrumentation Module, international standard of modular instrumentation defined by U.S. NIM Committee (AEC Report TID-20893); NIM modules must have a minimum standard width of 1.35 inches (3.43 cm), a height of 8.75 inches (22.225 cm) and a 10 inches depth (25.4cm). They can, however, also be built in multiples of this standard, that is, double-width, triple-width etc
  • NIM Logic Levels

    • LOGICAL 1 = -12 to 32 mA, or 600 mV to 1.6 V into 50 Ohm
    • LOGICAL 0 = < +2 mA or <100 mV into 50 Ohm


    • LOGICAL 1 = -14 to 32 mA, or 700 mV to 1.6 V into 50 Ohm
    • LOGICAL 0 = < +2 mA or <100 mV into 50 Ohm

    Non-updating Discriminator
    A discriminator whose output must return to a zero, or “off”, state before retriggering can occur.

  • NOR
    A complementary output OR circuit


  • OR
    A logic circuit having the property that if at least one input is TRUE the output is TRUE
  • Overflow Suppression
    A digital technique which allows to skip from the memory “out of range” values


  • PAUX
    In VME V430 compliant boards, a 3 row, 30 pin connector (plug) that mates with the JAUX connector
  • Peak Sensing ADC
    An analog to digital converter which measures the peak amplitude of waveforms occurring within the GATE period
  • Pedestal
    The ADC value readout when no input signal is present
  • Pile-up
    The overlapping of amplifier output signals due to excessive count rate
  • Pole Zero Cancellation
    A circuit that eliminates the undershoot of semi-gaussian shaped output pulses
  • Power Supply Rejection
    The ability of a device to reject the effects of power supply variations
  • Programmable Logic Unit
    A module which accepts a number of inputs and generates a logic combination of the inputs according to programmed operations


  • QDC
    Charge ADC


  • Reflection Coefficient
    The amount of signal amplitude that is reflected by an input due to impedance mismatch
  • Rise Time
    The time required for a pulse to grow from 10% to 90% of full amplitude
  • RMS
    It is the square root of < (X-< X >)2 > where X is a random variable and < > denotes the average


  • Sample and Hold
    A circuit that on command samples and holds the instantaneous amplitude of an input signal
  • Sampling ADC
    A device which samples an input waveform at specified time intervals, digitizes the analog values at the sampled points and stores the results in a digital memory
  • Scaler
  • Semi-gaussian shaping
    The pulse shape which resembles to a Gaussian curve obtained by CR-(RC)n filters with equal time constants
  • Shaping amplifier
    An amplifier that accepts the output pulses from a charge-sensitive pre-amplifier and shapes them in order to improve the S/N ratio and minimise the risk of pile-up (tipically in energy spectroscopy applications)
  • Shaping time
    The time constant of a shaping amplifier filter
  • Single Ended Signal
    Ground referenced signal
  • Sliding Scale Technique
    A technique employed to reduce ADC differential non linearity


  • TAC
    Time to Amplitude Converter
  • TDC
    Time-to-Digital Converter
  • Translator
    A device which changes logical signals from one standard to another (e.g. from TTL to ECL)
  • TTL
    Logical 0: 0 to 0.8 V;
    Logical 1: 2.0 to 5.0 V


  • Updating Discriminator
    A discriminator that can be retriggered before the output returns to zero


  • V430
    It is a VMEbus compatible crate type; in addition to the standard 3 row , 96 pin J1/J2 VME connectors, the V430 backplane adopts an extra JAUX connector providing ?2 V, -5 V (useful to supply ECL electronics without the need of on-board DC-DC converters) and ±15 V power lines, geographical address lines (SN1?5) and some User defined lines (CK, SG, CL)
  • Veto
  • VME
    Versa Module Eurocard; Master/Slave modular asynchronous computer architecture, used for data transfer, storage and processing (defined by IEEE-1014-1987 specifications); three card heights are allowed with VME; 3U, 6U, or 9U (1U = 43.60mm); a single slot card is 6T wide (1T = 5.08mm ). Length is either 160mm or 340mm.
  • VME64
    An extension of the original VME specifications as defined by ANSI/VITA 1-1994; it offers, among the other features, larger 64-bit data path and 64-bit addressing range
  • VME64x
    A further extension of VME64 standard, providing, among the other features, geographical addressing capability and larger bandwidths for data transfer
  • VME64xP
    VME64x extension for Physics: it features characteristics, stated as options in VME64x, helpful for the typical requirements of physics experiments, such as further user defined I/O pins and sparse data readout capability
  • VSWR
    Voltage Standing Wave Ratio: VSWR=Ei+Er/Ei-Er, where Ei is the incident wave amplitude and Er the reflected one


  • Zero Suppression
    A digital technique that allows to skip from the memory the values that lie below a programmable threshold
